Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Metal 101

Burn is a nightclub that’s reputation is hinged on the fact that it consistently has good solid local live music, from Lark’s electronic opera to SNG, Prime Circle to T.H.O.T.S.’s rocking hip hop and encompassing all the goth, metal and emo in between. It therefore goes that Burn understands that all bands have to start somewhere. New Band Weekend at Burn is something that needs to be experienced only once to understand what a depth of commitment doing this kind of thing is. Many Burn locals simply stay in the corners complaining about the sheer ineptness of the bands, but they stay, drawn in by the prospect of the next band up, always qualifying, but they are young, they’ve never played before.

These things in mind, you can’t fault these young bands for enthusiasm, for their belief in what they are doing. Most of them won’t last long as bands unless they evolve, but it’s really a beautiful thing to see the beginning point, standing in the crowd and seeing the parents cheering the son.

On the Friday night that I was there four bands tried to produce their version of generic metal and only one succeeded, I will mention no names. At this stage in a musicians life, joy in the doing is important. Criticism will come later if there is a failure to grow, of course. But now, boys on stage in clothes clearly trying to emulate heroes must simply be complimented for doing it, forming a band giving it a shot. Hopefully the audience faithful, friends, relatives with realise that at some point you have to act with compassion, be cruel to be kind, all that. Me, I love the fact that it’s possible to see this embryonic passion, the raw energy and badly disguised stolen riffs. Elements of each band were excellent, finding the right elements will be a process.

It’s a testament to the crowd at Burn that they stick around to listen, and are eager to hear the next band. Give them a few songs before they form an opinion, that there are more established bands in the audience listening, because everybody knows, all good bands have to find their feet, start somewhere, and why not here?

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